Friday, December 11, 2009

Guys do you like for a girl to have on lipstick when she goes ';downtown';?

Does it really matter now? Guys do you like for a girl to have on lipstick when she goes ';downtown';?
I never thought about it...but now that you mentioned it my grandmother always wore lipstick when she went downtown shopping...Guys do you like for a girl to have on lipstick when she goes ';downtown';?
i'll haveto answer quickly before this gets deleted

oh yeah baby baby!
I think that is alright

Please as if they even care.....a woman could be minus a lip and that wouldn't matter to them
Just here dusting , dont mind me!
Doesn't matter to me. As long as I get a ';present'; from the downtown trip, I don't care...
my hubby does, just saying. It's the clown look that I bare afterwards. He's got a thing for Bozo
Yes, I do like that.
my favorite thing is to apply a little super glue, makes it last longer whether she wants too or not, lmao
yes please
as long as your going were happy... just don't be sloppy with ur lipstick ;D

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