Friday, December 4, 2009

What color eyeshadow would go good on a tanned skin girl and what lipstick.?

Any help would be greatly appreciative.What color eyeshadow would go good on a tanned skin girl and what lipstick.?
well if ur tanned i reccomend a light green eyeshadow and a quite dark pink lipstick hope this helps bye

XxxWhat color eyeshadow would go good on a tanned skin girl and what lipstick.?
I have tanned skin and i usually look best with dark eyeshdow and a pale pink lipstick. But it also depend on the hair and eye colour, it's best to experiment with various colours.

Perhaps a color somewhere in between scarlett and magenta, kind of like a purple with a touch of red in it.


Probably a dark pink, but do not go with purple.
Try and base your eyeshadow on your eye color [Blue eyes = brown shadows] It compliments your eyes. Browns, Golds, or Deep Reds go well with tanned skin.

I don't know much about lipstick, but you'd probably want a peachy color!
With a darker skin complexion, pale colours bring out your features more. Go for a subttle pale pink lipstick and light blue eyeshadow.

any color go good the secreat is how to apply the makeup

( application)

glossy lipstick any color loooks very nice on you ,

well if I knew your eye color that would help. But a coral and soft peach lipstick. Or light pink. Pearilized pink lipstick.

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